A user came to me with a request to set up a new GAL Distribution list for
the members of a commitee, for the purpose of  having a place that other
employees can e-mail questions and have them addressed by members of the
commitee (it's a CAD Standards commitee, and people have been using the
excuse that they don't know who to ask when they have questions about the
proper rules).

  I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to set up a public folder that
people could post to, or just have a single mailbox that would be monitored
by whomever is interested?  Or is a DL the best solution for this? 

  I guess what I am worried about is a flood of people wanting me to create
Public distribution lists for every comittee or project.  Besides being a
bit of a hassle to maintain the proper membership, we only have about 100
"real mailboxes" in the GAL now, and it might be confusing for people if
there are so many distribution lists mixed in there.

  Just wondering how other people handle this.  I know the answer is
"however management thinks best serves the business needs of the
organization", but the boss is going to ask me the best way to set this up.

 Thanks for any ideas

 Jim Helfer

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