I setup a rule that replies to the sender just on private and confidential
that says their message is being returned because no one on that mailbox can
read it and they should resend it without the sensitivity.

-----Original Message-----
From: Freya Jongkind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 4:38 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: how to make " private" e-mails visible in a shared mailbox ?


Has anyone solved or found a workaround for the following situation :

We have mailboxes that are treated by more than one person such as orders @
compagny.com  and sometimes our clients will send an e-mail with sensitivity
private to such a mailbox.
For sensitivity you need to have the mailbox open as primary mailbox
otherwise you can't see the e-mail.
This gives "ghostlike e-mails because you can see in the folder list that
there are more unread e-mails than you can see in the mailbox.

My question is now  how can I set the sensitivity for all e-mails on a
certain mailbox on normal ?

Or is there a possibility to give my users the possibility to see those
e-mails with an extra button ?
Making such a shared mailbox a primary mailbox is not an option because
those users have more then one of such mailboxes.

Thanks in advance for any advice on this subject.

Freya Jongkind

"Dit e-mailbericht en alle documenten die ermee verzonden worden,
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