A couple of things. Make sure you are not using Word as your email editor.
Try disabling any Exchange AV, restart and test again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Niko [mailto:niko_n@;mail.tel-aviv.gov.il] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 6:33 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Can't send attachment with mail

Hi all,

We are using Exchange 5.5 Server with Service Pack 4(NT Server 4.0 with
Service pack 4) On Client end we are using Outlook 97, 2000 Now the problem
is that we cant send attachment with mails. The error when we tried to send
attachment is following: "you don't have appropriate permission to perform
this operation" "failed operation"

I try run ISINTEG -FIX -PRI(PUB) -TEST ALLTESTS and ESEUTIL /R but it is not
resolve problem

Thanks in advance

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