If the rule "doesn't do anything", then there are a number possibilities:
1. Rules don't work. Restart Outlook with a /ClearRules parameter (which
doesn't exist!, but there is one similar).
2. Rules work, but nothing has arrived to cause this one to fire. Check to
make sure this rule actually fires properly by matching the required input
3. Rules work, this one fires, but it doesn't do what you want. Check what
the rule is really doing. Also check for "auto replies to the Internet"
which could cause problems.
4. Rules work, this one fires, it does what you want, but only when you are
sitting watching it. This is typical with client based rules. AND you must
use client based rules, as you are forwarding to an address in your contacts

Anything else?

Cheers, Chris
-----Original Message-----
From: Busby, Jacob [mailto:jacob.busby@;hants.gov.uk]
Sent: 24 October 2002 16:29
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Outlook Rules

I've always found rules in Outlook to be somewhat unreliable at best.

If you're really planning on forwarding all mail sent to mailbox X to
internet address Y, you can set up a custom recipient of address Y (probably
hiding it from the GAL) then use Forwarding Address (under Delivery Options
in Exchange General) to forward the mail on. Personally I wouldn't advise
automatically forwarding mail out to the internet as you can run the risk of
a mail loop.

Alternatively you could have an Outlook rule file the mail into a separate
folder and then from time to time manually Forward Items on the mail in that

> I have an Exchange 5.5 sp4 w/IMS running on NT 4.0 sp6a.
> My email client is Outlook 2000 on a WinXPsp1.
>  I am trying to set up a rule that will forward an email sent to me.
> I can manually forward the incoming email from X. to Y.
>  But when I set up the rule it does nothing.  The X is in my 
> Recepients
> the Y  is in my personal contacts.  When I am manually forwarding it I
> select
> it from my contacts.  When I am setting up my rule I select it from my
>  contacts.  I don't see any obvious errors but it still doesn't work.
> Can anyone explain to me why the rule wouldn't work if manually
> forwarding does???

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