Hi Jim:
        I hope that the book has not been too tedious for you.  :-)   

        The 16GB limit is imposed on Exchange 2000 Server (unofficially
known as "standard edition".)  If the sum total of the EDB file and the
STM file exceeds 16GB, then the store dismounts.  So, basically, you are
right, you are SOL.  :-)  (This probably should have been more clearly
spelled out in the book.)  And, with this edition, you can only create
one mailbox store.  If you suspect that you will need more than 16GB of
total message storage, then you should consider purchasing Enterprise.
Upgrading to Enterprise is not a big deal, though, you just run the
Enterprise Edition setup and choose "Re-install".  Just don't forget to
quickly re-apply the Service Packs!  

        Regarding your "Exchange as a File Store" message, I use my
Exchange server as a file store for documents I need when I travel or am
working on customer sites, but I generally don't recommend customers use
the store for much storage.  My concern is how quickly I can backup (and
more important) restore a mailbox or public folder store.  


Jim McBee


-----Original Message-----
From: James Liddil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 6:36 AM
Posted To: Exchange Technical Mailing List
Conversation: Exchange Store
Subject: Exchange Store

I am making my way through "Exchange Server 2000 24X7" an my question is
basic.  I now gather that the "store" is the total of both the stm and
edb files.  And as such if this total exceeds 16 gigs then we will be
SOL (we don't have the enterprise edition)?  Correct.

Jim Liddil

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