I know this question/problem has been discussed a bit but here goes.  First
put all the legal/regulatory issues aside.  Is there really a problem with
viewing Exchange as one large message/file storage system?  If keeping it
simple for users is what it is about then let them simple keep all the
messages with attachments in Exchange.  I am facing this issue and trying to
explain to management that there are other issues to take into consideration.
Does using Exchange as a file storage/access system add a fair amount of
overhead to the work a server has to do.  Is the work the computer ahs to do
significantly greater with this scenario vs having the attachments stored as
files and accessed accordingly?  The server is a dual processor with a gig of
ram.  It ahs a single raid 5 setup (~100 gigs) and also is sued as a file

Jim Liddil

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