We're in the exploring on the infrastructure on our Network to be ready for
Win2k. There are some area which is in question marks. 

Email Scanning Gateway to be places on the DMZ. e.g. TrendMicro/Mailsweeper.
Should it be place in different box or should it be place in the same box
with the Front End Server? So far, we have been consult by 2 supplier. 

One said it's better to put different box, because put in one box with FE is
useless. Reason is if email came into the FE, and only then the Scan Gateway
scan the mail is too late. The virus already came into the FE, scan will not

And another one supplier said it's ok to put into same box with FE. 

Another question is for Win2k Environment, is DNS very important? Once DNS
down, and no cache available, does it mean clients cannot log on to the


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