I am looking for some light reading/information to confirm the behaviour
with using OST's over a WAN link.

I have a remote office that connects to the main office over a 128k VPN
connection. This pipe is shared between 5 other users, including all their
internet traffic, so can get pretty slow at times.  They currently retrieve
their email from a 3rd party ISP, using POP3, but I want to pull them into
the Exchange Org, to gain the benefits of the Exchange server.

My issue is, I can't configure them to access the Exchange server directly
over the 128k pipe, as Outlook/Exchange response is simply too slow. I don't
want to go down the PST route, I am aware of the pitfalls there. That leaves
the OST option. If I configure the Outlook client to use OSTs and synch in
all folders, does Outlook always refer to the local OST first for
information ie filed document/email/calender item etc, instead of going out
to the Exchange server, over the slow wan link, even if the Exchange server
is available?  If so I think this is my answer as the WAN delay only comes
into play when they are synchronisng with the server.

I can't simply try it and see as I am not at the remote office and the guys
there are not up to doing this themselves!

I have read http://support.microsoft.com/?id=161889 which didn't shed much
light! I have referred to the FAQ but that simply hightlights the dangers
with PSTs.

Can somebody point me to a document with the necessary info?



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