I am not certain what you are asking.

>>They don't want to make the internal mail server addresses public

The sender would need to know, right?  Do you mean the SMTP addresses or the
IP addresses?

-----Original Message-----
From: Yurchuk, Michael W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 1:19 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: forwarding question

Hello all, I'm fairly new to the exchange administration
I was asked if it is possible to (i.e. make it work) set up Exchange 5.5 to
forward an email sent to one address to another completely different email
address on a non-public email server. 
I did it by creating a mailbox on my exchange server setting it to use an
alternate recipient which I set as a custom recipient that I created
pointing to the internal mail address
Ex. external customer emails [EMAIL PROTECTED] - the MSexchange server
receives the message in the root mail box, the root mailbox has an alternate
recipient which is a custom recipient that I created of
They don't want to make the internal mail server addresses public so that is
not an option. I need to know if there is any other simple way of doing it,
something I have overlooked. This works and is fine to manage for 1-10 email
addresses but once there are 500+  different addresses it may get very
confusing, especially if someone new has to come in and administrate it. I
thought that maybe there is something built into exchange 5.5 for this. If
this is a feature of E2K it would be nice to know, maybe I can get them to
spring for an upgrade.

Michael Yurchuk MCSE NT4.0
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 0X8

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