On 08/18/2018 04:55 AM, Calvin Walton wrote:
On Fri, 2018-08-17 at 22:38 +0800, Julian Ospald wrote:
The state of haskell packages in exherbo is pretty bad, but it is in
most distros:

4. Very very few packages actually depend on stuff in haskell.
maybe, a few other single packages. And that's it. Nothing
so there is no pressure keeping anything up to date.

As far as it goes, I regularly use git-annex, and we've been stuck on a
fairly old version for quite a while due to the packaging problems. I
may end up building this myself - but I don't really want to deal with
a haskell dev environment just for this one tool.

The author provides prebuilt binaries - but they're not versioned. I'll
probably just throw together a git-annex-bin-scm package for my
personal use.

1. install stack
2. git clone git://git-annex.branchable.com/ git-annex && cd git-annex
3. stack install --copy-bins

Done (re-installing will be way quicker btw. due to cached deps), there is nothing like "setting up a haskell dev environment". You don't even set up the compiler yourself.

If we bury/clean-up ::haskell, we might also want package stack binaries so this becomes easier (installation is awful via curl url | sh).

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