On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, you wrote:

>   Is anybody getting substantially better than 142 mb/sec and 22
> mb/sec from 'hdparm -tT' ??   ATA/33 is capable of that 'cause
> those are my numbers, and one (slave) HHD's a WD Caviar 8.4.  ...
> and is it worth all that hoops y'all seem to be jumpin thru to get
> it workin? .......... reliab'ly?  and is it reliable ?
>   just askin what I seem to never hear about in conjunction with
> ata/66 and performance.  seems a better motherboard would do all
> y'all /66'rs more good
I'm not even getting THAT...at least not on my EIDE drive
('course it's one that's been around a couple years, so
it's not optimized for UDMA...only an 850 meg drive <G>)
Now, just for giggles, I"m gonna see what I get on my UW
SCSI drive... 
[root@slave1 /root]# hdparm -tT /dev/hda
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  3.18 seconds = 40.25 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in 36.08 seconds =  1.77 MB/sec 

Same exact specs....must be my motherboard can't handle
anything faster. :-/ Heh, course I'm only using a dual-PPro
system here... :-)

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