The windows 95 network routines generally suck.

On Sat, 12 Aug 2000 03:08:56 Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
> > 10 times faster? Me thinks you are dreaming. Bandwidth is bandwidth, and
> > there's only so much. Whether you set up 10 simultaneous downloads or do
> > only one, you are going to get the file in the same period of time.
> Actually, I found at least with a dialup with Win95 and Netscape, downloading
multiple files at once seemed to take longer than sequentially downloading the
same files.  I figured there must be added overhead on separating the packets. 
I may be wrong, but this was my observation.
> Bob


Lord Nightwalker aka Nighty aka DefConDos

A train stops at a train station.
A bus stops at a bus station.
On my desk I have a workstation.

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