On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> >
> >VMware is virtual machine. It is not same your real computer.  You must
> Uh huh....I'm with you so far.
> >configure this virtual machine how you want and install on it Win98 or any
> >other OS. You can start two or more VM with different OS together and they 
> >will
> >work as real computers in local network.
> How would you respond to someone who answers "How do you set up VM so it 
> can load the OS?" with "You have to configure it."?  Inquiring minds wanna 
> know and I'm at a loss.
> Cheers --- Larry
Uh, Larry,
Pretend that there is NO Win 98 on your machine now. Install
Win98 IN VM Ware.. Virtual Machine is just that, a make-believe
computer.. The software tricks your system into thinking there
is another computer in there with it..

Ken Thompson
Electrocom Computer Services, Payette, Idaho
1-888-642-7101 (toll free) 642-7101 (local)
ICQ# 988809
Registered Linux User #183936

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