What the h.... are you talking about? If you're a newbie and it it
sounds like you are, then you want to go hang out with the newbie list
for a while, spend some time reading the howto's http://www.linuxdoc.org
and then come here when you are informed enough to ask an intelligent
question of intelligent people.

Tom Berkley

Ryan La Mothe wrote:
> I have a question...What is the deal with EVERY SINGLE RPM needing
> Glibc_2.2?  What is exactly is the reason and how do I acquire Glibc_2.2
> without seriously messing everything up on Linux?  This is ridiculous...I
> can't even download 1 single RPM anymore, ANYWHERE without it being
> dependant on Glibc_2.2.  Why hasn't Mandrake's website or something at least
> made any mention of this fact/problem before I started wasting my valuable
> time the past couple of weeks looking for tar.gz or src.rpm files so that I
> could try and compile against LM 7.2 Glibc libraries instead of getting what
> I truly need and needing Glibc_2.2?  What I want is a definite answer if
> someone has it.  I am NOT going to compile source for anything at the
> moment, as I need to keep the system in either an all RPM or all tarball
> format, but this particular machine, I don't have the time to waste
> compiling and screwing with the whole tarball mess.  Thanks.
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