Used to have this on an old 486: the "Li" is actually a message saying
"I got this far through the boot".  There are fixes but I have not the
time to search for them.  Try "man 5 lilo.conf" for how to set the
verbose flag for progress messages.  I think I found the original
solution in the RedHat knowledgebase.  It was a list of causes for
failing at each stage of the boot.


Tom Eastman wrote:
> I don't know if this is any help... but I have NEVER gotten lilo to work on
> my computer... ever.
> It ALWAYS dies at LI  just as you've descibed.
> On the other hand... where LILO has never succeeded... GRUB has NEVER failed.
> 8-)
> Before grub came along I was always booting linux using "loadlin" now finally
> I don't have to go to Linux through windows!
> 8-)

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