> What exactly are the reasons that you would not
> trust reiserfs for a
> production system?  

It's not a matter of trust on my part - I trust it. 
It depends on what sort of "production" your are
looking at.  If I am providing a service for money,
and my clients make money with that service, I have 5 
reasons not to go into this type of production with
reiser at this time:  1) liability (if the customer
knows you are using a beta fs, and something
happens.....)  2)  Customer perception (many customers
like to know what you are operating, and would not
like the idea behind using a "non-standard"
filesystem)3)  reiser has "issues" with raid. 4) 
performance slows after 85% usage (have to monitor
usage) 5) and last, you really have to keep up with
the patches - not good, considering the downtime to
the customer.  

>Do you know of any scenarios
> where reiserfs always
> fails?  

1) qmail has problems (even with patch) 2) no streams
support (for those who need it) 3) ide read starvation
(I get this at times) 

But, like I said, I use it at home and I like it. 
Hopefully, it will be considered standard soon.

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