"John J. LeMay Jr." wrote:
> I'm forwarding the following message since it never appeared on the list after
> I sent it. In fact, neither did two other messages, one of which was a reply to
> another message that appeared on the list.
> ** Forwarding message from "John J. LeMay Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 28 Dec
> 2000 21:04:34 -0500
> I've recently upgraded to Mandrake 7.2 (from 7.1) and I have installed Helix
> 1.0. When updating packages, several packages appear (in similar forms) in both
> Helix and the MandrakeUpdate lists. Which should be used?
> John LeMay Jr.
> Senior Enterprise Consultant
> John LeMay Jr.
> Senior Enterprise Consultant

You have an unresolvable** issue here.  Each updater wants absolute 
rule over all packages in it's domain.  My manual resolution is to 
run Mandrake update, and manually download and install any non-Gnome 
updates.  Then run Helix's updater normally.  It's painful, but 
Mandrake's updater doesn't recognize that the Helix packages don't 
belong to it and Helix, of course, wants to install Helix.  What
would be nice is if there was a way to tell the MandrakeUpdate to 
ignore packages with "helix" in the version number, but alas, it 
doesn't exist yet***.  If you manually unselect Gnome packages in 
MandrakeUpdate it overrules you and reselects them for updating with 
Mandrake specific packages.  I've found no way to tell it NOT to 
update a packge, it always comes back with an error saying it has 
automatically selected X extra packges for download, where X is the 
number of packages you deselected.


**In an automatic mode.

***If LM personnel read this, feel free to act upon this idea.
with a configuration option in MandrakeUpdate that allows you to 
specify packages that need not be handled my MandrakeUpdate much 
like the option in RedHat's up2date utility.

Gatewood Green         Web Developer
http://www.linux.org/  The first stop for Linux info on the Net
Email:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
All opinions expressed by me are my own and not necessarily
endorsed by Linux Online, Inc. or Linux Headquarters, Inc.

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