ok well im an et in the navy so i might be able to help, now you have ip addresses and 
hub and new cables however you must also check access rights now usually with a unix 
based system there are host databases which contain ip address host name and security 
access(may or may not be included) if one computer has a host name of jack the other 
computer on the lan must have that exact host name along with the exact ip address,
also new cables do not gaurantee good quality, it is possible that the cable was 
defective before you ever bought it, or the hub may seem to work properly but could 
also be defective, also what type of lan cable are you using are you using T cable 
which is like an oversized phone jack or some other type that requires a hub.
another factor that kills an lan connection is the ethernet card does it work with 
linux check the paper work, and check your proc files, also the ethernet card could be 
damged as well or  maybe has a bad jumper setting we use cards that use cable rg-58 
and aui cable which also contains a fuse any number of things will cause the lan card 
to use the wrong connector therefore no connection. thats all i can think of at the 
moment if you have any other questions just ask me i do this all the time as a network 
administrator on my ship
> i am tryint o reconnect my home LAN but I can't getmy machines to ping
> each
> other. Everything is fine. IP configuration is right, HUB is working,
> cables
> are new and connected. Don;t know what the problem may be

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