After extensive testing trying to get 1.4 beta2 working with Opera 5.05,
I've come to the conclusion that the java plugin supplied by Sun is

Running opera at the command line and watching the output when I visit, I get:

Error in initializing function pointer xislocked_fn
Error in initializing function pointer xislocked_fn

Note that there are two applets on that website.  

I haven't tried it with Mozilla, but I did some testing with the jdk
1.3.1 for Linux and various browsers and found the NS 4 plugin is
broke.  If I loaded NS 4.7x with the plugin linked and check the version
of java running by viewing the java console in NS, I notice it was using
the built in 1.1.4 (or is 1.1.5, I forget now).  But in Mozilla using
the NS 6 plugin, I got the correct 1.3.1 version string.  It's worth
noting that the jdk 1.3.1 NS4 plugin didn't work with Opera 5.05 either.

I'm about to try Blackdown's jdk and see if that fixes it (I hope it



On Wed, 2001-09-26 at 07:02, Jose Orlando T. Ribeiro wrote:
> From: Jose Orlando T. Ribeiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Expert Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: JRE 1.4 beta doesn't work with Mozilla nor Netscape
> Date: 19 Sep 2001 12:02:39 -0300
> Hi!
> I was trying to use the new Sun's Java JRE 1.4beta as a plugin for Netscape 6.1
> and Mozilla 0.94, but when you look at the HELP->ABOUT PLUGINS tab the Java
> plugin don't appear. If I choose an older version (1.31) everything goes ok...
> someone knows about why Netscape/Mozilla don't recognize the new JRE?
> orlando
> -- 
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> ----

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