On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 08:51:23 -0500 Randy Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


If you have your own domain/IP, you can use PostFix' anti-spam features to greatly 
refuse spam before it gets delivered...  Most spam comes through "open relays" and by 
blocking mail from any known open relay, we can virtually shutdown anonymous spam.  
This will eventually force the spammers to use their own resources and might make 
prosecution more likely; but that's orthoganal and argumentative...  :^)

I've noticed that since I've begun submitting spam relay hosts to 
http://ordb.org/submit/, spam attempts have dropped off to a trickle.  In fact, the 
spam *attempts* (blocked by postfix) have dropped from ~50-70/day to a few every 
couple of days...

It's fun to be a spam fighter...  :^)  For more info, see my postfix page at 
http://pfortin.com/Linux/PostFix -- also, easy to miss but potentially useful for the 
mail-header-challenged is http://pfortin.com/Linux/PostFix/ORDBing.html

It's fun seeing the spammers having to find new open relays from a dwindling list and 
probably having to now maintain a growing list of targets-to-avoid (aka known 
spam-fighters) who will further reduce their resources if they spam us...  :^)


> I can't answer this question, but I'd like to piggyback a related
> question (I think).
> Background: I'm learning about email, procmail, postfix, pop servers,
> etc.  I've become aware (I think) that if you have a "shell account" at
> your ISP you could potentially run Procmail on the ISP's machine, and
> filter mail (based on your rules) and discard it without ever
> downloading it to your machine.  (This would at least save me some
> connect time or bandwidth, and others paying for connect time, some
> money.)
> Question: Is there a way to do something similar without having a "shell
> account" at your ISP.  Or, does everybody with an account at an ISP have
> at least some sort of shell account, because your email address does
> represent a user account on the ISP's email server?  And, if so, can you
> set up Procmail with your own rules there?
> Aside: I'm aware of tools like kshowmail that (and my ISP's webmail
> thingie), which let me look at the mail on my ISP's server and consider
> deleting stuff, but my ISP's webmail thingie is so slow it makes me
> believe I am not saving any bandwidth (and I know I'm not decreasing my
> connect time -- it's going up).
> Randy Kramer
> Schlomo Schwartz wrote:
> > 
> > I'm getting a tonne of spam from the *.em5000.net
> > domain (amongst others) and I've been adding their IPs
> > in by hand into my ipchains list of nodes to deny
> > connections to port 25, but damnation, do they ever
> > have a lot.
> > 
> > I was wondering if there was a way either in ipchains
> > or iptables to block out entire netblocks from
> > connecting to a particular port number. Like em5000's
> > got the following:
> > 
> > # whois -h whois.arin.net
> > 
> > -
> > Twistedhumor.com (NETBLK-CBCN-64-37-121-96)
> > CBCN-64-37-121-96
> > 
> > -
> > 
> > If not, can anyone come up with a good solution that
> > might be able to provide a similar result?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
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