On Thu, 2002-03-14 at 00:02, James wrote:
> With all due respect .... probably more than you or I do.  Such projects as 
> Bastille, wine, KDE and others do get money, time and support from Mandrake.
> In fact Many of the project leaders for Open Source projects are employed by
> the various distros just to work on their project.  (Tip by the way means Too 
> Insure Promptness.. and when I was in Sydney the bartender was very very prompt
> after he got the first tip... *grin* ) Much of this falls along the same lines
> as the word fair.  It means all is equal... not you get what you want.  
> Before companies like ygdrasil (hope I spelled that right) and later RedHat
> et all.  The only way to get the "free" OS was hours of boot strapping and
> compiling (Even more time consuming than LFS ) These vendors brought to the 
> table 3 things, Installers, QA and support.  I really don't care how much of a
> "guru" someone thinks they are, the still need support and benefit from the QA
> and the installer.  If you want' it free then take what's free.  Often buggy, 
> in that it builds on the users box but not on someone elses.  No notification
> of securitty holes. (Not even Cert catches them all.)  Not tools such as RPM to
> make what could otherwise be an upgrade nightmare for sysadmins possible.
> No thanks I'll take what I get from the distro's over boot strap and 2 weeks 
> compiling (per box I might add) anytime.  Just remember TNSTAAFL. 
> James
> > 
> > On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 22:59, ed tharp wrote:
> > > then again, maybe some of us should consider that the free lunches in life 
> > > are prepared by someone, and served by some one, do you not tip a waiteress? 
> > > or maybe the should not bother to bring your food since they only "might" get 
> > > tipped? how dumd could it be to try and make a living thru the normally good 
> > > graces of folks. I also wonder if you consider that you should pay for cable 
> > > tv since the wire is already at the house?

Personally, I've become amazed at how tight this list is when faced with
adversity.  Quite frankly, I consider the subscription to this list to
be one of the best mailing list decisions I've ever made.  The
contributors here are definitely made of high quality stuff.  Heck, it's
almost enough to put you in a good mood. ;)

If you're in a typing mood and you want to influence some more support
for MandrakeSoft, check out this inflammatory article over at Newsforge:


You're allowed to post anonymous comments there regarding the article. 
Jack Bryar is pushing a very misinformed and negative outlook regarding
the subscription model of business (Which Transgaming is using
successfully now) and makes some very insulting allusions to
MandrakeSoft's new business model.  So if youre' in the mood, blast 'em.

Then when youre' done, come back to the list here to chill.  :)

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