jipe wrote:
> On Tue, 02 Apr 2002 08:23:06 -0500
> Mike Rambo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe I'm just dense but how the heck do you create a
> > bootable CD these days. 
> i assume that the files and directories from which to create your iso image are in a 
>directory named to_be_burnt. and you're creating an iso image in ~/burn
> first:
> create iso image like this
> cd to_be_burnt
> mkisofs -v -r -T -J -pad -b boot_image -c boot.catalog -o ~/burn/image.iso .
> then
> cd ~/burn
> cdrecord -v speed=? dev=?,?,? image.iso
> replace ? with appropriate values
> boot_image is the image from which the cd will boot. it has to be in the cd! give 
>the path from where you're creating iso.
> bye
> jipe

Yep. I had just figured this out when your email came
through. I had tried to set it aside for awhile until
someone told me what I was doing wrong but it drove me crazy
with it sitting on the floor so I had to pull it back up and
figure it out. Basically the key was that the boot image has
to be in the same directory as the rest of the stuff that
was recorded on the CD. I don't believe I had to do this on
my old 7.1 box with kisocd - that package must have handled
all that stuff in the background. In any case, it's all
working now.


Mike Rambo

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