dfox wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 04:46, J. Craig Woods wrote:
> Ok, I've got to ask here about something that's been bugging me cause I
> can't make it happen yet.  I'm trying to set the margin in Vi(m) so that
> the text will wrap with words (at about 70 chars across or so) instead
> of just on a per-letter basis.
> I would first try:
> <esc>se wm=6
> That's for setting the wrap margin. I should point out that it should be set
> to the number of characters from the *right* margin. I.e., if you set wm to
> 72, you'll end up with most of your words
> on a new
> line
> like this :)
> If you type a word that would not fit at the wrap margin, vi will
> automatically move it to the next line.
> If you want to do more complicated formatting within vi, you can use the
> Q command (at least in vim). Use the Q followed by a movement command, such as
> } for paragraph, and voila, your paragraph will be formatted for the current
> wrap margin setting. It won't justify though, but it's good for things like
> when people can't use their editors and their text is turned into one long
> line etc.  More complicated things can be done if you pipe your text through
> to 'fmt' which can even justify the text.
> IIRC that was the 'classic' way to do it before vim came along.

These are good instructions. The only thing you did wrong was to quote
me in your posting. I did not ask that question but, if memory serves me
well (not something you can take lightly at my age), I seem to recall
that LX was looking for this info.

There you go, LX

J. Craig Woods
UNIX/NT Network/System Administration

-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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