Le 15/04/2002 à 20:47 +0100, Mike Starnes a bien voulu m'écrire :

>Hi list,
>I'm trying to get an Orinoco Gold wireless pc card to work on a Dell

Hi !
I have an Elsa Airlancer MC-11 on my laptop, and a PCI-11 for the desktop 
(actually, they are Orinoco PC Cards inside), both with Mdk 8.2
My destop is connected to a cable-modem through a 10/100 Ethernet card.

Sometimes my little network works, sometimes it doesn't... don't know why...

Did you check your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file ? There 
are very important lines there.

How do you use your network ?


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