Le 15/04/2002 à 18:37 +0100, Ola Andersson a bien voulu m'écrire :

>When I installed KDE3 on my mandrake 8.1 everything looked OK, even the
>programme menu on the "K" button on kicker. After adding a new entery to
>the menu with menudrake almost all entires dissapeard from the "K menu".
>Where are they?

Hi !
I experienced the same thing... I think that the "old" MenuDrake (wrotten 
for KDE 2) doesn't work very well with KDE3...

>I would appritiate if someone could point me in the right direction or
>to some documentation about the mysterious ways of menudrake.

I found the old menus in /home/MYUSERNAME/.kde/share/applnk-mdk/. I copied 
this directory in /home/MYUSERNAME/.kde3/share, and it worked fine again. 
When I want to modify or add an entry, I do it directly in the applnk-mdk/ 
directory, without MenuDrake.
If you want specific options (like starting an application with root 
identity), you can use the good old kmenuedit (wich is still there, despite 
of MenuDrake). For KDE3, use the KDE3 version, here located : 

By the way, do you know how to define launching options (like starting an 
application with root identity) with MenuDrake ?

Hope this helps,


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