On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:17:46 -0700
Sevatio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just installed LM8.2...  Now, I'm trying to regain the settings and 
> mail boxes from Mozilla from a previous Mandrake.  I'm restored the 
> ".mozilla" folder but Mozilla can't see the mail boxes nor can it see 
> the account settings.  How do you get Mozilla to see these things?
> Sevatio
there's a high chance you have different user ID's on those files if they 
were created in a prior OS. it's not mozilla's fault.

if you are in KDE, right click the .mozilla folder ( or any of it's contents)
and check file owner and permissions. they should be set to the right username.
but if you just see a number i.e. 
owner: 501
group: 501

then you have to reset them by doing a chown -r yourusername:yourusergroup ~/.mozilla

yourusername and yourusergoup being........ yes, your user name, and group.. 
( or just username:username will work too. )



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