On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 16:04:59 -0800
civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   faisal gillani wrote:
> >Well how can i mount my win2000 ntfs partitions ?
> >there arent any ntfs supported partitions in the mount
> >command ?
> >
> >thanks
> >
> >
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> Well, the NTFS isn't one filesystem but three mutually
> incompatible ones under the same name.
> NTFS4 we have read and experimental write(Winnt4)
> NTFS5 is a different system, and conversion is required for
> NTFS4 (Win2k)
> NTFS5.1 is still another version and conversion is required.
> (WinXP)
> All the versions are SECRET and proprietary. Reverse engineering
> of the latter two is _probably_ a violation of the DMCA (Digital
> Millenium Copyright Act) and don't expect a free software
> company to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Microsoft (which
> Microsoft will not even offer) as their licensing agreement has
> specific language prohibiting "IP Impaired" use or basically any
> app that makes provision to be provided in source. This is also
> true for KDE which is discovering they cannot legally provide
> support for ASF files, even though the format _is_ known.
> Microsoft has also established patent on the "Common Internet
> File System" and again their published standards prohibit use to
> provide compatibility with "IP Impaired" software. They may make
> a legal challenge in the near future to the open source
> community to cease and desist using Samba, which reads and
> writes the CIFS.
> Basically if it isn't in the kernel by now, don't expect to see
> it any time soon. Microsoft is out setting its own standards and
> erecting barriers of secrecy and legal intimidation to keep
> others from being compatible.
> ntfs IS supported READ_ONLY for all three versions. There is 
> _EXPERIMENTAL_ write support that can be compiled into the
> lernel for NTFS4 ONLY.
> Now what I am about to give you cost three hours of my time
> since the XP installer plays with the order of partitions in an
> existing partition table and really destroyed my linux boots, by
> pointing /var at a swap partition and saying my real /var was a
> swap partition. I reinstalled without losing any data, but it
> took a while to puzzle out what had happened.
> To all of your others out there, it is no kidding DEADLY to
> install windows second. My recovery here was not for the faint
> of heart--23 partitions on two hdds were thoroughly scrambled by
> XP renumbering. I had to rescue boot and find root and edit
> fstab, and that still didn't work because my old /var partition
> was renumbered where swap was so my logs disappeared at
> swapon... A reinstall was necessary formatting /boot / and /usr
> fortunately I keep /home /usr/local and /opt separate. I could
> have used expert mode on fdisk to recover--redoing my old
> partition table-- but that still would not have covered the
> destruction of /var.
> /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,user,umask=0 1 1
> That will mount and read ntfs systems and it was tested NTFS5.1,
> so the kernel has read-only support for all three, Just drop
> that (renumbered for your system, if necessary), to /etc/fstab,
> and it will mount and support reading from winsux(I have never
> called it that before, but I think I will follow that
> nomenclature henceforth).
> Civileme

   First  My condolences on the hassles.  Shouldn't be allowed to
happen to someone as helpful as you.   Second ... The new EULA
does state that M$ has the right to do anything they want to any
software on your computer that will disable, or otherwise render
inoperable any non M$ software they find.  Unfortunately we now
know one of the methods they employ.


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