Ok, this is WAAAYYYYY off topic, but I figured that if anyone in the
world would have an opinion on this, it would you you. ;)

I've finally hit the point that I can't remember "everything". I need a
portable way to carry information around with me. In short, I need a PDA
(gasp.. sob... I never thought I'd come to this...).

I've been looking around, and there's about a half million of them out
there. I'd sure appreciated any suggestions on which are good, and which
are just fodder.

I found one at Office Depot called "Zarus". It run on Linux (cool!). The
software that was on it looked good, but how does it compare to some of
the more mainstream PDA? Should I just stick with a Palm?

Any input will be gratefully accepted. I'm really just starting this
search, and I've never paid any attention to them in the past, so it's
all new territory.

Thanks in advance!


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