On Wednesday 25 September 2002 10:22 am, you wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is an ISP specific list for Mandrake or
> 1)It's cool to post questions here
> 2)I should start a new list on my Mandrake servers here :)
> I have more questions about Mandrake as I replace my BSDI boxes
> at the ISP I am running, but not sure if it is cool to post those questions
> on this list.
> -Scott
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it's cool, and no-one would stop you from creating your own list too, but I 
believe there are some of the top ISP techs around that read this list. I 
believe some that work for UUnet may be wondering about the future of the 
company they work for.... but they still might get around to answering.

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