On Sat, 19 Oct 2002 15:39:08 +1000 Ron Stodden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > What does MakeCD/mkcd expect to see as source?  I have the current 3
> > ISOs mounted; but I suspect it may want an rsync tree...  if so, do
> > you have a quick tip for creating one from the ISOs (prefer not to
> > waste more time redownloading everything)?
> Yes, you must 'loop mount' the ISO images, then you can copy out all the
> files and get the tree back.

That can't be all...  that gives a tree with Mandrake/{RPMS,RPMS2,RPMS3}
which is what got us in the pickle we're in -- 3 sets of files already
separated into the CD images...  I've tried recombining the RPMS*
directories into RPMS...  

Every attempt at running MakeCD generates TONS of errors:
WARNING scoreList: <package> has zero size
autodeps: ignoring <package>
WARNING buildDisc: group 1 REJECTED <package> (not selected in rpm lists:

Any idea if there is a ResizeCD tool to go from ISOs as distributed to
ISOs of my choice of size...?

Running out of time....  <SIGH>  Just got a call from my friend; she just
got her WalMart computer...  right off the bat, the *mouse* is really a
trackball, and it doesn't work!  Actually, it worked for a few moments... 
talked her husband through resetting the root password, in order to issue
"init 3" which does not shutdown the X server...  looks like when I get
there (5 hour drive) this w/e, I may be cursing Microtel/WalMart...  This
is NOT how to win new converts to Linux!!

Back to the "number of CDs" issue:  I've only got a few hours before
making that trip...  If I can't get 9.0 on CDs, I may just say "fsck it!"
and wait for 9.1 in the hopes the false-economy issue has been revisited
by saner heads...


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