On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:56:36 +1100
"Mcleod, Ian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> deficated the following:


> One would suspect in this context that many Americans have interpreted their
> constitutional right to freedom as freedom to consume rather than freedom
> from oppression -

Jesus, you leftists can't say _anything_ without insulting Americans and/or
conservatives, can you. That makes your accusations both wrong AND pathetic.

> hence now why Americans are the largest consumers per
> person on the planet (next to Australia where I am from - shamefully).

Oooo, yes, consumerism is the scourge of our modern day. I really long for
the good old days when a man was forced to wipe his ass with a corncob instead
of BUYING some toilet paper. Or when people would suffer intolerable pain
instead of BUYING medication developed via capitalism. Oh yes, and it was great
when we would have to look up information in an encyclopedia down at the city
library instead of sitting down at a computer I BOUGHT and looking something
up online. I know you're not low enough to do any of those things, Ian. God
bless you, Ian. I'm glad your conscience (so well packaged in home-knit clothes)
has kept on the straightened arrow as an example to us all.

Yes, I agree. I feel nothing but shame, day-in, day-out, wanting a shit-free ass.
Which is good--American's really have an obligation to loathe themselves. Right?

> The word freedom is one of the most 'flexible' words in the English language.
> It once meant 'freedom through community' - not freedom through not giving a
> flying rat about anyone else.

Right, right. I have never met an American who gave to charity, who opened a
door for somebody else, who participated in cause, who volunteered their time
to community events, who picked up a hitch-hiker. They don't give their new 
neighbors a welcoming plate of cookies. They don't stop to help people
who are broken down on the side of the road. They would never think to donate
clothes and furniture to Salvation Army/goodwill shops--everything goes into
the landfill. An American would never go out his or her way to contribute
money to victims of catastrophe such as floods, hurricanes, or terror attacks.
Forget about it. It would never cross their mind.

All they can think of is, "What's in it for me?" America is a nation of dogs,
I tell you. Ravenous dogs.

> Thankfully - many Linux-heads don't yet seem to have gone down the path the
> American constitution has - to reinterpret 'freedom' and 'rights' in a self
> centered narcissistic way.

I shudder to think what would would happen to the rest of us if model
individuals like you lost your modesty and tact, and instead started
insulting and condemning a whole nation of citizens because you thought your 
point of view was superior. What hypocrisy that would be.

But I digress, you would never stoop to that particular brand of egocentrism,
would you.


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