Hi all,

This is a message I've already posted on the newby list a few days 
ago......due to no response I'm giving it a try here.

I'm having a spot of trouble with a realtek pc card on my laptop.

If I 'hotplug' it into my pcmcia slot it freezes the laptop after a few
minutes needing a hard reboot.

Booting with the card inserted doesn't kill everything straightaway but after
a while freezes as well:o( Removing the card (i.e manually removing) restores
life again.

Looks like irq's so I stopped usb (which I wasn't using anyway) on the same
irq (9) ---to no avail.
Checking on the mobilix homepage this cardbus is specified 'working' and
points to drivers available at SiteCom which alas aren't there (anymore?).

I like a good challenge but I'm in the dark about cardbus.
The way I gather it: It goes in the pcmcia slot and is then handeled as a hot
plugged pci device (it shows up as RTL-8139/8139C with "lspci") through the
CardBus bridge (ricoh RL5C475).

The mobilix info appears to point to adding a pcmcia device but "cardctl
ident" just stats a 3.3v cardbus device...????
I also get quit a few kernel error messages on eth0 (I'm not in the mood for
typing them over....yet) suggesting that's what freezing the machine.

So do I go about this as a pci (or usb) device or as a pcmcia device or

Anybody got any suggestions to get my nose pointing in the right direction,



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