Have you tried running it in gdb ? then doing what ever you do to make it SIGSEGV
I've found div-by-zero and other bugs this way.



on the 02/03/03 15:23, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
On Sunday 02 March 2003 08:46 am, Greg Meyer wrote:

If you are the one with the different drivers, try and isolate that by
dropping back to theirs.  If it is not the drivers, it sounds like it could
also be a heat issue  ie, program segfaults when things get a little warm.
What's the cooling like on your machine?

Hi Greg. I've tried both 3123 and 4191 drivers. I also ran memtest for about 12 hours/24 passes on my 512 megs of DDR Ram. No errors reported. System temp is 27 C. CPU temp is 50 C. After 12 hours of running memtest, it was 52 C.

I've had the game segfault right after booting up, like 2 mins into the game, and I've had it run for 2 hours, with the machine having been on all day. In single player or across the LAN. Seems to be totally random. Tribes 2 and Rune also crash, back to the desktop. Whats really odd is that not even one of my WineX games, including a hog like Warcraft 3, crash. They all run perfectly.

These 3 games run fine under 9.0 on my 2 sons comps (Geforce 2 cards). I even tried renaming /lib/i686 to i686.old and copying their i686 folders to mine, then running ldconfig. Made no difference, same error.

I'm really at a loss.

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