On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 02:49:33PM -0500, Mark Weaver wrote:
> All you's guys! I'm appointing myself a moderator and I'm also 
> appointing Et, as my leu-ten-ant.
> My first action as moderator is to demand that Ric drink some guiness 
> until he's sh^t-faced and all the tension drains out. Boycotting the 
> list is not allowed and no one is allowed to be an @$$hole except for ET 
> when he feels like it.


I'll accept Marks appointment as list moderator, and will respect his

Pub time is coming up soon here. I'm off work in an hour.
I'm overdue to get totally sh^tfaced. :)

-> Note to self: Park the damn car, and take a taxi when going out to
get clobbered..
don't drive
Don't drive
Don't drive...


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