1. I love Mandrake, and as such I was probably among the first to order (as I 
learned from this list - better directly from mandrakestore) the 9.1 package, 
BUT - anxious like everyone here - decided and obtained also the downloadable 
ISOs ... and ran from work back home to play with them ...

2. Here I am - at home - with one of my PCs that I really can take apart and 
play with any time - running a previous DVD install of Mandrake (the 
workstation DVD that came with my previously 9.0 server purchase). I chose to 
upgrade to 9.1 using the fresh CDs - put them in - run the upgrade option - 
BINGO! First hand experience with 9.1 upgrade: everything ran as smooth as it 
can get, and everything I can see right now came back up fine. Will check all 
details later, of course. So ... so far - thus - as an American I can only 
say (once again, this time about software;>): VIVE LA FRANCE!!! ;)

3. So - still having some time in hands (before the wife figures out the 
lights in my office, and walks in and "reboots" me, or "installs son in my 
lap, to clean his backplane") I decided to install some programs that I 
didn't have before (just for testing purposes), based on the newly/refreshed 
updated configuration sites for urpmi, from the good old trusted 
http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php (this time for 9.1, of course, having 
previously removed the 9.0 entries). And here comes my question: whatever 
packages I choose to download, whether downloadable from an "unsupported" 
(plf or cooker) site, or installable from the new 9.1 CDs, I am being asked 
for the CDs of 9.1 (understandably), after which I am being asked for the 9.0 
DVD. Is this normal? (of course I could remove the 9.0 DVD from the urpmi 
config, but I thought of leaving it there for now ... just a feeling about 
this being an upgrade ...)

All in all - great product, once again! I like it even better now ... even if 
I am still running my favorite iceWM ... I will probably "bite" on the 3.1 
KDE sometimes in the weekend, and expect even more pleasant surprises (at 
least from what I've been reading here).


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