Joerg Mertin wrote:

> Hi Anne,
> On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:
>> So what is different, that's making it work?
> Most probably the Kernel and linked tools, Libraries will be the tricky
> parts. 

Here, I think, Anne was asking what made my post go through this time.
I had a line starting with a dot ('.') and then two line breaks, (LF + LF)
which I suspect was interpreted as an 'End of message' as in the
SMTP-protocol. However I'm not sure, but I got through when I removed it.

I'm using Knode to read the list, but I have to 'confirm' my post via mail
by the listserver, which make me think its running with SMTP.

The point my post was making, is that eventhough I'm running a 2-3 years old
mdk, it still can get security updates; which I think is excellent.

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