From: "Robert Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Janet,
> You might be able to find a new patch for one of the latest 2.4.xx
kernels- I
> did  google searchs for "E7205 linux support" &  "Asus P4G8X kernel
> and came up with some good leads- below are 2 typical excerpts from one
> the google results.
> You might also check first in your bios and be sure AGP is configured
> correctly, and perhaps setting it at 4x or even 2x- there's not much
> difference except in heavy gaming.
> Robert Crawford
> -------------------------------------
> Casey, I can send you the 2.4 patch for the E7205/E7505 chipsets that I
> a while back that also incorporates AGP 3.0 support if you are
> However as Dave mentioned, I did have quite a bit of trouble with the
> 8x binary only driver, so ymmv....
> matt

Could someone with this chipset send me the following info:

cat /var/log/dmesg
lspcidrake -v

I'll verify it and send it to Juan to get it added to Cooker kernel,
along with some other stuff I been working on so we can get it into
MDK 9.2
(I just have to get the Init panic bug tracked down and fixed first...)



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