On Tuesday 15 July 2003 09:16 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 July 2003 02:11 pm, Thomas K. Gamble wrote:
> > Anyone know which mbs have the core temp sensors?
> It's the processor that has the sensor, the motherboard must have the
> ability to read it, and then libsensors has to be able to translate
> it.  For instance, my Soyo KT400 Dragon Ultra has the ability to read
> the on chip diode, but it uses the lm90 chip which is not supported
> by lm-sensors.

I meant to ask which motherboards had the ability to read the core 
temps.  Sorry for the ambiguity.  Someone suggested the Tom's Hardware 
website and I may have a look there.  Replacing the motherboards is not 
an urgent issue, but it's something to keep in mind for the future.


Thomas K. Gamble
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Advanced Diagnostics & Instrumentation (C-ADI)
p:505-665-4323 f:505-665-4267

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