Vincent Danen grabbed a keyboard and wrote:

> On Wed Jul 23, 2003 at 12:21:27PM -0700, David Guntner wrote:
> > (Again, this is in the hopes that someone from Mandrake is still reading 
> > this list)
> > 
> > Well, at least partially. :-)
> > 
> > In addition to the other error I reported regarding the new kernel (2.4.21-
> > 0.24mdk) causing all files to be written as world writable, I noticed 
> > something else in my system processes.  My morning E-Mail from my nightly 
> > cron jobs reported:
> > 
> > /etc/cron.daily/msec: line 66: printf: `m': invalid format character
> > /etc/cron.daily/msec: line 66: printf: `@': invalid format character
> > /etc/cron.daily/msec: line 66: printf: `@': invalid format character
> > /etc/cron.daily/msec: line 66: printf: `m': invalid format character
> > 
> > Nothing has been changed in that file.  This only showed up with the new 
> > kernel in place.  Please go over the new kernel and release a bugfix for 
> > these two problems.  Thanks!
> Ummm... let's be a little logical here.
> Why would you blame the kernel for something in msec?  The kernel touches
> /boot and /lib/modules... why would it have anything to do with msec?
> Did you look at line 66 of that file?  What does it say?


Same as always.

> The previous issue could potentially be attributed to the kernel, but I
> highly doubt it.  This one I think attributing to the kernel is pretty
> far-fetched.

It might very well be.  All I know is that the ONLY thing that I changed in 
my system last night was to install the new kernel.  This morning, I get a 
notice about TONS of files (which get created all the time (news, mail, 
etc.) being world writable when they never used to be, and the /boot initrd 
image being world-writable now sure makes it look like that's the culprit.  
And then I get the other error message that I listed above.

Now, I'm not into blindly blaming a kernel update for all my woes. :-)  
However, I *am* pretty good at putting 2 and 2 together.  When the ONLY 
thing that changes is the kernel, and then weird things start to happen, I 
don't think it's unreasonable to suspect that the kernel update *might* be 
what's causing that sudden weirdness.

Either way, I appreciate you guys looking into this.

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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