On Monday 28 Jul 2003 9:36 pm, Bill Mullen wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > BBCode?
> A pseudo-HTML type of code usable only within the message posting
> area of certain types of websites which contain "forums", of the
> sort that are provided by several packages like phpBB. While BBcode
> will vary from one implementation to the next, it is usually a set
> of commands enclosed in square brackets (as opposed to HTML's angle
> brackets), and with the same "[on]text[/on]" on-off convention of
> using a forward slash before the option name to signify the turning
> off of that option. Examples:
> http://www.oooforum.org/forum/faq.php?mode=bbcode
> http://www.programmers-unlimited.com/forum/bbcoderef.php
> http://2002.sxsw.com/forum/faq.php#bbcode
> HTH!

Sort of <g>  It is, of course, on forum sites that I have seen it, but 
I don't really see the point.  Ah well, I'm turning into a real old 
fogey that thinks plain text should be good enough for anyone in a 
serious discussion <vgb>


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