On Tue Jul 29, 2003 at 01:04:54PM -0500, Avi Schwartz wrote:

> >>Regarding the instructions for the kernel upgrade, they include:
> >>
> >>'Once you have modified your lilo.conf or menu.lst file, execute "lilo
> >>-v" or "sh /boot/grub/install.sh", again depending upon your 
> >>bootloader.'
> >>
> >>I have never re-installed grub (over 3 years) after only modifying
> >>menu.lst and there have been others who have expressed a reservation
> >>about this instruction.  My understanding was that it was not 
> >>necessary
> >>(1) but my understanding might be incomplete, so I would appreciate 
> >>some
> >>clarification here.
> >
> >I don't use grub, so I can't honestly say.  If someone knows 
> >definitively,
> >please let me know.
> Grub need not be re-installed when a new kernel is being added to the 
> system.  All you may need to do is modify menu.lst and even that seems 
> to be unnecessary with Mandrake since the vmlinuz and initrd point to 
> the latest kernel and initrd via soft links.

Cool.  Thanks for the clarification.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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