Vincent Danen grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> I don't think that will work as you'll need to be root to chroot IIRC.  What
> you could do is write a script that does the chroot and call it via sudo,
> then do something like "/usr/bin/sudo /somescript/chrootuser" which does the
> chroot call as root.
> You're right about the environment tho.  You'll need to have a /bin/bash in
> the chroot and then recreate the libs it wants or recompile it static.
> You could also use /bin/rbash which is somewhat better than just bash, but
> not as nice as chroot (but a lot easier to setup).

I look at the bash manpage, in the section which mentions rbash.  
Unfortunately, that's *too* restricted for my needs. :-)  I need to be able 
to cd to directories within the user's home directory for the game server 
to actually work.  Well, it was a thought anyway.  Thanks for the 
suggestions, everyone.

      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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