Thank you for the quick answer - this is what I did not know for sure: if I 
can "downgrade" to an earlier version of X, after "upgrading" to the new one 
(more secure, 'cause I can't use it ;)). I am going right now through XFDrake 
(which I assume will work even under CLI), to see if I can repair the new X, 
first. This reminds me of another OS, which delivers Service Packs, followed 
by "patches", then "hotfixes" ;(

Just out of curiosity: anybody else with a Toshiba 8100 around here, having had 
issues with the patched X?

Thx again,
> In a pinch, use Knoppix to autoconfigure X and then overwrite the 
> XF86Config/Config-4 of Mandrake. If it's just a configuration problem 
> than that might work. If not and X is toast, then a downgrade to an 
> earlier version of X might be the only fix. This, of course, will have 
> to be done from the CLI.
> Cheers
> Jason
> >Just worked on my laptop last night, and, while doing other things, decided to 
> >check the updates and chose to allow the X update to go through. Of course 
> >everything worked fine (update and such), but once shutting it down and 
> >restarting it this morning, in the office - X is broken. What do I mean by 
> >this? When starting, the screen shows lots of colored lines in the upper 
> >portion, after which it brings up the login (what used to be) acreen, but with 
> >no dialog box for input, or possibility to do anything (actually I can pick the 
> >username, which is still visible, but I cannot "guess" where the password field 

> >may be ... let alone the fact that this would come up - probably - with more 
> >weird stuff, even if able to login.
> >
> >In the rest, another tty (CLI) works just fine, as does non-init 5 levels. 
> >Anybody having any idea what could have broken with the new X? I would 
> >appreciate any help, as I am stuck now with a Windows box, readin/writing email 
> >using a browser, and all my weekend work dependent on my laptop (unless 
> >deciding to install Openoffice in Windows).
> >
> >Thx,
> >Stef
> >
> >  

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