On September 16, 2003 09:29 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
>    It sounds good except for one thing.  In the developed world the US has
> less than half the broadband penetration of any other country.  (Canada has
> about a 50% penetration, Korea 80% the US only 20%) 

Actually Canada is now up to about 70%.  Dial up is mainly a disaster recovery 
tool now.  The figure in the major centres (Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal) 
is something like 85%.  Most of the sales battles on high speed now are on 
price and reliablity, ADSL vs Cable, etc, etc, etc.  Oh, and undocumented 
speed increases :-)

> Did the sales fall off
> because people downloaded, (Gael's contention.) or did it start falling off
> because it took 3 months after release to get it in the stores.(my
> observation)  

It's funny cause 7.2 and 8.0 were very rapid to the shelves in Canada.  After 
than it slowed to a crawl.  I'd say that your observation may have as much to 
do with is as the download situation.

> Are people downloading to save money, or, are they downloading just to get
> the product. No I don't have all the data, Gael has more.  But, the 20%
> drop in sales is consistent with the drop other software vendors and
> retailers are seeing across the board.  My next question is.  Why aren't
> SuSE, Red Hat, Walnut Creek (FreeBSD) Wasabi (NetBSD) and others cutting
> back on retail?  They sell to the same demographic.  Shouldn't they have
> similar problems?

I'm sure they are.  They do seem willing to package for the store shelves to 
maintain a high level of public visibility which is important if you want to 
get your name into people's heads.

Heck, I even saw the last edition of Caldera/SCO Open Linux (now there's a 
joke and a half) on the shelves at a computer store!

There could be one additional contention here on Geal's part, unspoken.  That 
is that people download a package and then share it around.  That too could  
cause the number of packaged boxes to go down even where the high speed 
situation is a mess like in the US.



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