Sorry but there is a stony silence on newbie... there seems to be a lot of political traffic though... if this is not the place to be asking the sorts of questions I'm asking could someone please direct me to the right place?

I am trying to set up my mandrake 9.1 box to be the gateway to my recently created network with a single windoze ME machine on the private subnet. I have finally managed to get the ME machine able to reach the outside world but to be honest I can't really work out how! I tried pretty much everything and nothing worked... and then it just started working. My general process was to just keep running drakgw until the damn thing worked - finally it did. (i tried knetfilter, and everything else I could get my hands on, but I'm still a newbie...). The problem is this. EVERY time I want the ME machine to work I have to rerun drakgw. Not only that, however, but I have to go in and manually reset the default to the dialup address, as running drakgw always seems to put the default back to my home net interface (ethernet). What is going on here? Also simply booting up the ME machine resets the default route to the address of the local subnet interface! (even though it be on the dialup after connecting to the net)
Another issue is that the dhcp doesn't seem to be working. I originally set up a network with XP (which I also have on the mdk9.1 box) and used a disk created by the xp wizard to get it going. Somehow ME always manages to set the IP address to, and the gateway to - what it originally had for the xp network. Mdk9.1 seems to want to have a subnet starting with but ME isn't listening to the dhcp (which I guess should be running, as it seems as if that is what it says it is doing) and just sets itself to If I set the mdk9.1 to statically come out with then, as long as I rerun the config tool, keeping the IP addresses the same for dns and others then after I reset the default I can access the net with both machines. This is an enormous amount of hassle and I'm sure there is something silly I'm not doing. Any suggestions?

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