On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 07:14, Miark wrote:
> This may be just me, but "locking out" anybody based on their browser is
> not a tactic that is compatible or consistent with the Open Source way. 
> In fact I think it's below us. We should be taking the high road and
> setting an example cuz 1) that's the quality of people we want to be. 2)
> We don't want Linux users developing a reputation of warring against M$.
> We about being pro-Linux, not anti-M$. 3) It punishes computer users who
> are too inexperienced to know how to change their browser. And 4) which
> is perhaps the most important, our way is of freedom--including the
> freedom to use the software we want. It would be the height of hypocrisy
> for legions of Linux webmasters to laud freedom while compelling
> visitors to use or not use software of their choice. It just ain't us.
> Miark

I like the idea of just confusing them.. Run a javascript that pops up a
message that says.  "You are not standards compatible" When it sees IE
and an OK button.  Has no affect on them but confuses the heck out of
them. *evil grin*

> On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 08:46:18 -0400, HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How would one configure Apache so that anyone using IE would be met with
> > a "nice friendly message" that they are not welcome?...I would like to 
> > start a campaign to essentially "lock out" IE from accessing websites.
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