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October 19, 2003 03:25 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > As an aside, doesn't the free Zone Alarm install include some sort
> > of script blocking for e-mail, or is that only for that infection
> > transport agent that comes with Windows as an e-mail client?
> I've used ZA in the past as a personal firewall.  I'm not aware of it
> dealing with script blocking for email.  Maybe that's a new addition.

I'm fairly sure it is part of the install but I really don't pay much 
attention to the Windows utilities when I help someone set up a dual boot 
system, beyond basic configuration of network, start-up etc. Maybe I should 
but I would rather make the effort to make the mandrake (or ???) install 
sparkle instead. Prejudice I guess. (-;

> I did look at that.  There is a module there for mail protection, but
> it seems to be entirely aimed at Outlook users.  Their Tech. support
> is quite good, so I think it's time to email them and ask them just
> how it can be used with Mozilla.

Good plan, please pass along any information you receive?

> > If that's the case, and since we aren't able to track down and
> > keelhaul the author of the mal-ware, we should string up the
> > sysadmins at those institutions. Or at least the users that are
> > clicking everything in site at the facility.
> My sister-in-law works in a hospital.  She told me the other week that
> they had had all new systems put in.  It was only two days old when
> it went down - virused.  The whole department, that hadn't even
> completed transferring their data.  Not only that, it took down every
> hospital in the Leeds and Bradford district.  And - they were down
> for a week.
> Our taxes pay the guys who put in that system!

Taxes also pay the mental midgets in elected office and the thousands of 
bureaucrats that work for the "responsible" ministries so what the devil are 
they doing propagating the MS-VTS? Have they never heard of cheaper, open 
source, _secure_ systems before? 

Like so many of that ilk they only care about their little fiefdom, not the 
"peasants" out here in the real world. I don't think recall elections are 
used correctly (should involve lynch mobs I think), or often enough in 
so-called democracies.

Get a rope! <g>

> Anne

It's definitely time for my quarterly "nuisance" letters, e-mails, and calls 
to MPs (Fed) and MLAs (Provincial) again. This sort of crap is happening here 
as often as anywhere.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
15:39:53 up 29 days, 5:02, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.10, 0.09
I can't drive 55.
I'm looking forward to not being able to drive 65, either.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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