On Monday 20 October 2003 09:38 am, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> I have logged directly into my popmail server (yahoo) via the web and find
> that the spam message isn't being repeatedly sent - the same message is
> causing a problem over and over.  Yahoo tagged it as spam and put it in my
> bulk mail folder on their site.  When fetchmail retrieved messages, it
> would apparently have problems with that message and send me the error
> message email instead of the actual spam.
> I am not sure why...is there a way to fix fetchmail so it wont do this
> anymore?  Instead of having a problem with a message and sending me a
> bazillion error messages every time it sees the undelivered/undeliverable
> message/spam, can I not just set fetchmail to dump the message?
> If I had not logged directly into the yahoo webmail site and deleted the
> spam message there, fetchmail would continue generating that annoying
> message forever, procmail would have had to process that same message
> forever, and yet the original message would still exist on the server.  For
> the moment, I have elected to turn off yahoo's spamguard and let my system
> handle the crap and hope that whatever the problem was, it will now be
> handled properly and directly on my end.

That probably won't help.  Your Postfix system is configured to reject with an 
error, misconfigured messages regardless of the source.  Whether they are in 
your regular inbox or in the bulk folder, they will still be rejected if they 
are not configured correctly.  The only way to fix it permanently is to 
instruct fetchmail to discard messages when it receives an error code from 
Postfix.  That will drop the message sight unseen from the pop mailbox and is 
exactly what I do after getting much the same behavior from dopey 
misconfigured spam messages.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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