On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 22:02, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Friday 24 October 2003 11:11 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> > define good; there's not a lot of ways that don't involve hard feelings.
> > Assuming that telling him it didn't working out and walking him to the
> > door isn't a possibility, your options are all variations on a theme:
> > change all the passwords when he isn't around, then scour the network
> > looking for back doors and missed systems (probably with a consultant in
> > tow to help document and make sure you don't miss anything).
> >
> > Good luck,
> Thanks guys,
> I've been thinking about it and comes with these summaries:
> - - change root password
> - - change postmasters password
> - - turn off ftp and http from some time
> - - turn off mailing lists (to prevend any unexpected hoax)
> - - check and secure sudoers
> - - limiting ssh access from my machine only

This is an excellent move (the last one) for sure.  
> The downside of my position is that I'm new in this position so my knowledge 
> of what he has done on the system is fairly limited. But I've got my orders 
> from top clearly. He's got to be dumped ASAP.
> Wish me luck.

Good luck I know the task is no fun.
> - -- 
> Fajar http://linux.arinet.org
> Linux mdk91.sistek.kom 2.4.21-0.13mdk GNU/Linux
> 11:53:18 up 4:19, 10 users, load average: 0.17, 0.05, 0.01
> Quote of the day:
> The first time Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is when they
> start making vacuum cleaners.
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> =xur9
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