On Friday, 24 October 2003 21:29, stefmit wrote:
> In anticipation of the "early bird pre-order" MDK 9.2 package arrival, I am
> also looking into indulging myself with a new laptop (the one I have right
> now is running 9.1, but it is at a stage where it can hardly manage all the
> stuff I want) ... so, the obvious formal step I thought of taking (instead
> of the twisted roads of http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/ and the likes) was
> to go directly to THE VENDOR site, and look for hardware support.
> Surprise?!? http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/hardware.php3 does not have one
> single item listed as having been tested ("green"), let alone "certified"
> ("star"). Are these guys serious about it? You want to be in the OS selling
> business, and you do not have one single mobile device guaranteed to run
> this?!? All the laptops listed "have been reported" as working. I know I
> won't expect more if I were to download and build myself the Linux kernel
> ... but an official distribution?!?
> Anyway - besides the above - that may end up as just one of those
> unanswerable questions_rants ;) - does anybody on this list have a positive
> experience with 9.2 on a very recent / higher end model of laptop (and
> which one, of course)? I am not interested in a "desktop" (i.e. office
> apps) utilization type, but rather networking and security tools usage
> (tcpdump, snort, ntop, sniffers of all sorts ([t]ethereal), nmap, iptraf,
> bing, fping, hping, etherape, tcpflow, kismet, swatch, nessus, nagios, and
> on, and on ...), with support for VMWare, of course - if that helps
> narrowing down the options (i.e. translated in good integrated NIC, good
> Wi-Fi integrated one, etc.),
> TIA,
> Stef
I dont have any probs on an el-cheapo aopen, p4 1.7ghz running 9.2 cooker


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